Friday, June 20, 2014

not yet...

but someday...

realized sometime recently that this link doesn't play so went back to figure out what this post from 6/20/14 was's Rascal Flatts "I'm Moving On"

Monday, June 16, 2014


you know what's really hard?

being lonely and listening to love songs to help pick out music for a wedding....

I was feeling ok about these weddings a few months ago, but suddenly in the last few weeks...

it's just getting harder.....

I hate feeling this way...felt this way last spring/summer and I think I managed to make the best of it pretty well and think I will again, but it doesn't mean that there aren't moments where I just think it sucks...

and then the big question...

will August be the end of it all??

will I bother anymore???

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Took an online quiz to see my mental age for fun....

got 17...

Eager, emotional and slightly confused, you haven't quite found your place in this world yet. You're young and curious at heart, and life is still as exciting for you as it was when you were a teenager, and still as scary. Fear not, it's OK not to feel like a grown up yet, even if you are one. Take your time kiddo

was kind of surprised at first, but not so much when thinking about the questions and reading the description...was really more what stage of life are you in by societies norms...although really I had some questions that I thought would put me a touch older, despite those that I knew kept me younger

although I don't think my life is all that exciting, I have always felt young at heart and I certainly haven't found my place in this world yet...and I know it's just an online quiz, but I really like the line

Fear not, it's OK not to feel like a grown up yet, even if you are one.